Drunk Police Sergeant kills another Inspector in Lagos

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Barely two weeks after a trigger-happy policeman killed his colleague at Ikoyi, Lagos, another drunken Police Sergeant has been arrested for allegedly stabbing an Inspector to death and injuring another victim.

The yet to be named Sergeant is currently being detained at the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID) Yaba after the Inspector identified as Francis Adekunle died in the hospital Monday morning.

It was gathered that the Sergeant went berserk at the weekend after drinking alcohol at a nearby liquor store and returned to his compound in Oke-Odo.

The Guardian gathered that both the Sergeant and Inspector were tenants in a compound alongside other civilians. It was alleged that there have been several complaints against the Sergeant by other tenants whom he usually harassed.

On that night, the Sergeant was alleged to have engaged in his usual intimidation of civilians after being drunk and was chasing a man about with a cutlass when the Inspector, said to be attached to the Special Protection Unit (SPU) 2 Ikeja, intervened.

Not minding that Inspector Adekunle was his senior, the Sergeant pounced on him with the machete, leaving several cuts on his legs and body.

It was gathered that the victim was rushed to the hospital where he died Monday morning. 

Police sources who hinted on the issue appealed to Commissoner Hakeem Odumosu to bring the Sergeant to justice, saying that he has been a threat to his neighbours and the entire vicinity where he lived.

“He drives a fully tinted Toyota Camry car with no plate number. He was  reported at the  Okeodo, Ile Epo Police Station for his previous actions but nothing was done to call him to order before he perpetrated this evil act.

“I saw Inspector Adekunle this evening on his hospital bed. He was still alive then. Unfortunately, I received a call from his brother, Ojo Adekunle that he just passed on.

“The doctor also confirmed his death. I am using this medium to appeal to the CP Hakeem Odumosu to do the needful and prosecute this killer Sergeant that has been terrorising everyone in the vicinity. This kind of character should not be in the Nigeria Police,” an officer lamented.

Police spokesman Bala Elkana confirmed the arrest of the Sergeant, adding that the CP has ordered investigation into the incident.

“This did not happen in the barracks. They both stay in town with other civilians. They were neither on duty nor anywhere near police facility when it happened. I have to correct that impression because a lot of people have been calling me to say it happened inside barrack.

“No mattter where it did happen, a crime was committed and the suspect is in custody. I will issue a statement soon on this incident,” he said.

Last week, the Commissioner of Police Lagos State command, Hakeem Odumosu had ordered an indepth investigation to unravel the circumstances surrounding the killing of a police Sergeant  by an Inspector.

  According to the command’s spokesman, Bala Elkana then, on Sunday May 31,2020 around 4.30 am, Area ‘A’ Command received a distress call that one Inspector Monday Gabriel from No 21 Police Mobile Force Squadron Abuja, on special duty in a Federal Government facility in Ikoyi, Lagos, went berserk and started shooting sporadically. 

  “One Sergeant Felix Okago who was on special duty with the Inspector, died from the gunshot injuries while others escaped unhurt. In an attempt to escape, he took a patrol van and headed towards 3rd Mainland Bridge, shooting as he was escaping. 

  “He was intercepted by Policemen from Bariga Division along Akoka, disarmed and handcuffed. The rifle and vehicle were recovered. The body of the deceased Sergeant has been deposited in the mortuary for autopsy while the Inspector has been taken to Police Hospital for medical examination as he presented signs of mental depression. 

  “The Commissioner of Police has directed the Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Investigation to take over the case. The Command deeply condoles with the family of the fallen colleague who paid the supreme price in service to his fatherland”, Elkana said.


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