Rivers CP assures cab operators of safety, warns criminals  

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The Commissioner of Police in Rivers State, CP Olatunji Disu has assured the Amalgamated Union of App – Based Transporters of Nigeria and Bolt Drivers  (AUATION),  an affiliate of Nigeria Labour Congress ( NLC)  and Trade Union Congress ( TUC) of adequate protection and support.

The police boss gave the assurance over the weekend during a meeting with members of the union on how to effectively ensure the safety of their operators in Rivers State.

Members of the union, who were led by its Vice Chairman, Nnamdi Esimai, expressed their hope in the new police management in Rivers State.

CP Olatunji Disu urged the Bolt drivers not to hesitate in giving valuable feedback to the police in a bid to nip activities of criminals in the bud in different parts of the state.

The police boss said crime fighting is a collective task that should not be left only for the police alone.

The Rivers Police Boss stated that his doors are always open to entertain and attend to complaints from the group and other members of the public.

Earlier, Nnamdi Esimai, Vice Chairman of AUATION lamented alleged challenges experienced by some members of the group in line of duty in the hands of unscrupulous human beings.

The group leader also pleaded with the CP to see how he can use his office to advice management of the APP based transport to upgrade the APP such that the picture of the person booking the ride is uploaded on the APP which will make it easier to track such person if he perpetrates a crime against the driver.

The union assured the CP of their maximum and continuous support in reducing crime to the barest minimum in the state.

The commissioner used the occasion to sound a note of warning to criminal elements in the state to desist from their criminal activities or be ready to face the full wrath of the law.


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