Ogbeogonogo Market Inferno: Hon Prince Ned Nwoko Commiserates With The Traders

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By Frank Iroroh

The initiator and financier of “Project Let’s Eradicate Malaria In Africa,” Hon Prince (Dr) Ned Nwoko, has expressed sadness over the fire outbreak which engulfed Ogbeogonogo market, Asaba, the Delta State capital, in the early hours of yesterday, Tuesday May 26.

The Dike Anioma in a statement released to his media aides immediately after he heard the news of the disastrous inferno, stated, ‘I was sadden by the news of the fire outbreak in the market. I was sadden because it happened at a time when the traders were struggling to stand on their feet after been out of business for close to two months, observing the stay at home order and the nationwide lockdown put in place to contain the global coronavirus pandemic.

I commiserate with the traders, because the market is where they stock their entire livelihood and I want them not to take it so hard on themselves in order not to exacerbate the problem for their families.

I am thankful that we have a Governor that shares the plight of the people. The Governor’s prompt visit to the market to sympathies with the traders is highly commendable and his plans to offer palliatives to those who loss their goods to the inferno is reassuring and I greatly thank him for his quick interventions.” He concluded.


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