Help humanity, CNS charges wives at Christmas Carol

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The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) has urged members of Navy Officers Wives Association to do anything within their powers to use their office to work for humanity.

The CNS made the remark at the Christmas Carol of Nine Lessons organised by the Naval Officers Wives Association (NOWA).

“I am indeed delighted to be in your midst this evening as the Special Guest of Honour at the Naval Officers’ Wives Association Christmas Carol and Night of Nine Lessons. First let me specially appreciate the President NOWA, my dear wife, Mrs Ijeoma Ogalla for organizing this special event as a hallmark of the festive season.

“I will also like to appreciate the Vice President and Executive Members of NOWA for their relentless efforts to ensure the success of this event. This special occasion along with other events which has taken place in the last few days organized by NOWA such as the visit to the orphanage homes, giving gifts to the less privileged amongst others highlights the spirit of the Christmas season.

“Christmas is a time of gratitude and generosity as well as a season that encourages us to embrace the spirit of giving, kindness, compassion and reflection. The NOWA Christmas Carol and Night of Nine Lesson holds a special place in our hearts, as it brings together the spirit of the season and the sense of community that defines the Naval Officers’ Wives Association.

“As we have enjoyed the joyous melodies of the choirs, it is imperative to remind ourselves of the importance of family, friendship, and the bonds that tie us together.

“The Naval Officers’ Wives Association through its commitment to the welfare of personnel families, exemplifies these values and creates a support system that extends beyond the call of duty.

“Naval Officers’ Wives Association with its various initiatives and projects, embodies principles that provide support, care, and a sense of belonging to naval family and by extension the general public.

“I commend the dedication and resilience of the Executive Committee and members of NOWA who work tirelessly to make a positive impact on the lives of naval personnel and their families.

“Your selfless efforts contribute not only to the well-being of individuals but also to the strength and cohesion of the entire naval community. The commitment and resilience are truly commendable and a testament to the strength that emerges when a community comes together with a shared purpose.

“The sacrifices made by our naval personnel are not only recognized but honoured through the collective efforts of the Association.

“As we have enjoyed the beautiful carols and festive atmosphere tonight, let us also take a moment to appreciate the sacrifices made by our naval personnel and their families. Their service and selfless commitment to our dear nation deserve our deepest respect and gratitude.

“Naval Officers’ Wives Association, through events like this Christmas Carol, allows us to come together in celebration and recognition of the collective spirit that makes the military community strong and resilient.

“Additionally, I will like to recognize and appreciate the Presidents of DEPOWA, NAOWA and NAFOWA for

gracing this occasion in their amazing colours. I will like to appreciate their various welfare efforts in support of the Armed Forces of Nigeria.

“It is through these efforts that personnel are encouraged to do their best when deployed to various operations. Also, to the Principal Staff Officers, officers and distinguished invited guest, I appreciate you all for gracing this special occasion.

“Distinguished invited guest, officers, ladies and gentlemen, as we depart, lets further reflect on the true spirit of Christmas and continue to support and uplift one another. May the season bring joy, peace, and love to each and every one of you. I further pray for good tidings for each and every one of us. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Onward Together.”


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