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Osakpolor’s mother (right) and sister Gift both injured

Tension still permeates the Iyasere family residing in Benin-City, the Edo State following the fleeing of their son Osakpolor accused of engaging in same-sex sexual relationship with another young man.

Osakpolor, a few weeks ago was said to have been fingered by one Mr. Momodu Bukhari alleging that Osakpolor lured his son Abdul Bukhari into gay practice which is highly abhored by his Islamic religion and laws of Nigeria.

Since the Nigerian government legislated against same-sex sexual relationship with punitive measures in place against offenders, there has been a silent war in Edo State against persons suspected to be involved in such act.

Both Osakpolor Iyasere and Abdul Bukhari were said to have grown together as peer group associates and their relationship took another turn when they were suspected to have engaged in gay practice.

Injured brother, Godstime Iyasere


Investigation by our Reporter revealed that the life of Mr. Iyasere Osaigbovo, father of Osakpolor has been under threat by Mr. Momodu Bukhari (also from Edo State), following accusation that Osakpolor had lured and engaged his son (Abdul Bukhari) in sexual relationship.

Mr. Momodu Bukhari, an ardent Muslim, reputed for his strict adherence to Islamic doctrines, according to a source, had come to the residence of Mr. Iyasere on November 5, 2023 raising alarm over what he described as abominable act involving his son and Osakpolor.  He was said to have accused Iyasere of allowing his son Osakpolor to deceive Abdul into a same-sex relationship, which is a highly despicable act in their community.

Since Mr. Iyasere found the accusation strange and unbelievable, he was said to have reacted angrily to Bukhari’s allegation and this invariably triggered off a heated argument that promptly resulted in a violent threat by Bukhari who had come obviously prepared for the worst. He was reportedly accompanied to Iyasere’s house by some mean looking boys believed to be hired thugs.

On arrival at Iyasere’s family residence located at No. 20 Ekhoragbon Street, Off Sapele Road, Benin-City in Edo State, Bukhari was said to have audaciously demanded that Iyasere should produce his son Osakpolor with a strong threat that if he failed to comply, he (Bukhari) would harm Osakpolor and any family member he and his gang would come across anywhere in Nigeria.

Obviously not a man to be easily intimidated, Mr. Iyasere took Bukhari’s threat with a pinch of salt and therefore went ahead to challenge him to prove his allegation.

Surprisingly, Bukhari and his suspected thugs would not tolerate any such confrontation.  So they promptly went wild and in the process attacked Mrs. Iyasere who had raised alarm warning Bukhari not to malign her son, who is said to be a well known sportsman.

In the crisis that ensued, Mrs. Iyasere was reportedly injured.  On hearing news of the attack, Osakpolor’s brother Mr. Godstime Iyasere who lives a few houses away to his parents’ residence rushed to calm the situation but regrettably he was also attacked and severely beaten.  His mother suffered injuries on her hand and face while Godstime was injured on his leg, shoulder and chest.  His sister Miss Iyasere Giftwas also reportedly injured.

Our reporter gathered that Iyasere family members had escaped death by the whiskers during the violent attack.  Soon after Bukhari and his gang had left with a threat of a return attack, Iyasere and his family members, fearing for their safety and possible death, decided to promptly relocate to an undisclosed location where they have been living since the incident.  Efforts to locate them to ascertain steps taken so far against the attack, failed as nobody in the community was willing to give any valuable information about their whereabouts.

Meanwhile, some residents of Benin-City who spoke to our Reporter on the basis of anonymity insisted that  lesbianism, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ)  related activities remain unlawful and punishable in Nigeria.  However, they could not substantiate the allegation that Osakpolor is truly involved.

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