Breaking: Air force announces a new date for NAF Day celebration

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The Nigerian Air Force high command has announced a new date for its 58th anniversary celebration.

The new date was announced by its spokesman, Air Commodre Edward Gabkwet (a Brigadier General equivalent).

According Gabkwet, “The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Day 2022 Celebration earlier scheduled to take place from May 19 to May 21, 2022 at NAF Base, Kano has now been rescheduled to take place from May 21 to May23, 2022 at the same venue in Kano. This was due to unforseen circumstances.

“The NAF wishes to apologise to all its invited guests for the inconveniences the new shift in date may have caused them.”

Addressing newsmen on the plan, few days ago, Chairman organizing committee for NAF 58th anniversary celebration/re-union 2022, Commodore Olasunkanmi Abidoye, said the activities marking the Nigerian Air Force Day Celebration is expected to end on May 23, 2022 with a ceremonial parade, symbolic flypast, Research and Development (R&D) exhibition and photo gallery display.

He noted that the modest achievements recorded by the Nigerian Air Force especially in the last 14 months would not have been possible without the cooperation and unflinching support of the media as key enablers of information dissemination.

“The Nigerian Air Force in its 58 years of existence has no doubt grown into a formidable and respected force within the African continent and beyond. It has also continued to make significant contributions in the areas of internal security, humanitarian and peace-keeping operations as well as restoration and sustenance of democracy on the African continent. It is only rational therefore, to celebrate its existence as well as the laudable achievements recorded over the years.

“The Theme of the 58th Anniversary Celebration, is “Enhancing Nigerian Air Force Efficiency in Joint Operations for Effective Response to Contemporary National Security Imperatives”. The choice of this year’s theme is deliberate as it is aimed at emphasizing renewed focus on joint military operations and effective synergy among the Services and other security agencies as well as consolidate on the gains of the employment of airpower especially at this critical stage in our Nation’s history. “It is also in tandem with the Chief of the Air Staff’s vision “To enhance and sustain critical airpower capabilities required for joint force employment in pursuit of national security imperatives”.


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