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By Laurence Chukwudi Izegbu.

Dear Honourable Minister,

No one is in doubts of the enormity of workload saddled on a ministry
such as the one you superintend over.

Of a truth, every enlightened Nigerian is aware that the power sector has gulped well over 100 billion dollars through interventions since 1960.

In the light of these failings and historic rot, it would be imprudent for anyone to heap the entire culpability of Nigeria’s erratic generation and distribution of electricity on you.

Perhaps there are
certain measures you have carried out which are yet to come into the realm of public knowledge.

Nonetheless, as the rampaging Coronavirus has necessitated a stay-at-home order, I feel compelled to write you this open letter as regards the power situation.

The lack of electric power during this period of lock down is embarrassing your good office greatly, and strongly transmitting a perception of absolute incompetence.

Right from the days of NEPA, all we have ever had has been committees, which have all ended in further embezzlement of funds meant for this sector.

Indigenous businesses have been liquidated; foreign direct investments have fled from our shores, all from a single problem that is over 60 years old – the lack of electricity.

When it transmuted from NEPA to PHCN, Nigerians became somewhat
optimistic. Yet again, this led us nowhere closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.

The distribution actually became worse.

A public hearing from the National Assembly to scrutinize the cause of
our power shortage was annihilated by the powerful selfish interests

Even with the decision to privatize the energy sector, same
self-seeking individuals within your ministry and the corridors of power have ensured a perpetuation of the darkness the country groans under.

With billions pumped into Gencos and Discos, there is no reason whatsoever why Nigeria should still be plagued with the worst energy sector in Africa.

While countries like Ghana, Rwanda, Togo, et al are celebrating over 10 years of no single power interruption, Nigerians erupt into songs of joy any day they witness 2 hours of electricity.

The heat has been merciless, children cannot read, food storage impossible and businesses cannot thrive.

Honourable Minister Sir, what could be given as the reason why Nigeria in 2020 still cannot generate and successfully distribute up to 6,000 megawatts?

If ideas that would lead to a solution to this problem are still far-fetched, the masses might be constrained to appeal for your resignation and immediate replacement.

If there is a lack of courage for you to confront the despicable forces behind this punishing situation, certainly you are not the man for this responsibility.

Laurence Izegbu


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